الجمع بين آلة حصاد الأرز والقمح

اسم Flat crawler rice combine harvester
مقاس 3100*1440*1630mm
وزن 570kg
Cutting width 1100mm
Feeding volume 1.05kg/s

The combine rice & wheat harvester machine is purpose-built for harvesting rice and wheat crops efficiently. It cuts rice plants using sharp blades, separates grains from husks with a threshing mechanism, and uses a conveying system to transport harvested rice and wheat to storage.

Modern models feature advanced automation for adjusting blade height, managing threshing, and optimizing efficiency across different rice varieties. Our lineup includes two models: the flat crawler rice harvester for paddy fields, and the triangle crawler wheat harvester for rice fields, both with an 1100mm cutting width.

These machines enhance productivity, cut labor costs, and operate effectively in diverse terrains, offering a reliable solution for modern rice agriculture.

rice and wheat harvester working process

أنواع مختلفة من آلة حصاد الأرز والقمح

First, let’s delve into the two primary types of rice and wheat combine harvesters.

Flat crawler rice combine harvester

  • Features: The flat-track design results in a larger ground contact area, making it more suitable for rice fields, particularly those with deeper mud. This design provides better buoyancy and stability, ensuring efficient operation even in challenging terrain.
  • Advantages: The flat crawler design distributes weight more evenly, reducing soil compression and minimizing the impact of deep mud on the machine. It enhances stability and maneuverability, especially in wet and muddy conditions.
  • Applicable Scenarios: Ideal for rice fields with deeper mud, where the larger ground contact area of the flat crawler design ensures stable operation and reduces the risk of getting stuck.
الحجم (مم)3100*1440*1630
الوزن (كجم)570
عرض القطع (مم)1100
دقيقة الأرض
التخليص (مم)
أرض متوسطة
الضغط (كبا)
الحجم (كجم/ثانية)
Flat crawler rice combine harvester parameters
الجمع بين آلة حصاد الأرز والقمح بسعر جيد
الجمع بين آلة حصاد الأرز والقمح بسعر جيد

Triangle crawler rice combine harvester

  • Features: The triangle crawler design is suitable for both dry fields and rice paddies with shallow mud, offering enhanced maneuverability and adaptability across different terrains.
  • Advantages: In areas with relatively shallow mud or dry conditions, the triangle crawler design provides excellent maneuverability. It allows the machine to navigate through various farming environments with ease and efficiency.
  • Applicable Scenarios: Ideal for rice paddies and dry fields, where the triangle crawler design ensures flexibility and optimal performance, particularly in areas with shallow mud or dry conditions.
الحجم (مم)3100*1440*1630
الوزن (كجم)570
عرض القطع (مم)1100
دقيقة الأرض
التخليص (مم)
أرض متوسطة
الضغط (كبا)
الحجم (كجم/ثانية)
Triangle crawler rice combine harvester parameters
تفاصيل آلة حصاد الأرز والقمح
تفاصيل آلة حصاد الأرز والقمح

عملية عمل حصادة الأرز

Having understood the types of machines, let’s dive into the working process of the rice combine harvester.

The working process of a rice combine harvester involves several stages to efficiently harvest and process rice crops. Here is a general overview of the typical working process.

حصادة الأرز عالية السعة
حصادة الأرز عالية السعة

Heading into the field

يتم نقل حصادة الأرز إلى حقل الأرز، حيث يتم إعدادها للتشغيل. يتم وضع الماكينة وتعديلها وفقًا لنوع وارتفاع محصول الأرز.

Cutting and gathering

يتم تشغيل آلية القطع للحصادة، وتتحرك عبر حقل الأرز، لتقطيع نباتات الأرز الناضجة. يتم بعد ذلك جمع النباتات المقطوعة، المعروفة باسم العناقيد الزهرية، وإدخالها في آلة الحصاد لمزيد من المعالجة.


حصادة الأرز التجارية

بمجرد جمع العناقيد الزهرية، تقوم آلية الدرس في الحاصدة بفصل حبوب الأرز عن بقية النبات. هذه العملية ضرورية لاستخراج حبوب الأرز القيمة من القشور.


بعد الدرس، يتم استخدام نظام فصل لفصل حبوب الأرز عن المواد المتبقية، مثل القش والقشور. وهذا يضمن أن يتم جمع حبوب الأرز النظيفة فقط لمزيد من المعالجة.


يخضع الأرز المحصود لعملية تنظيف لإزالة أي شوائب متبقية، مثل الغبار أو القشر أو الحطام الصغير.


يتم بعد ذلك نقل حبات الأرز المنظفة داخل آلة الحصاد إلى صندوق تخزين أو حاوية.

حصادة الأرز للبيع
حصادة الأرز للبيع

المزايا الرئيسية لآلة حصاد الأرز والقمح

Now that we’ve reviewed the working process, let’s summarize the key advantages of the combine rice and wheat harvester machine.

  • Integrated harvesting. These machines combine cutting, threshing, and grain handling into one streamlined process, eliminating the need for separate machines or manual labor for each stage. This integration reduces harvesting time and labor requirements significantly.
  • Specialized designs. Designed specifically for rice and wheat fields, these machines come in variants like flat crawler and triangle crawler models. Each design optimizes traction and stability, ensuring efficient operation in flooded rice paddies or dry wheat fields without compromising performance.
  • Threshing efficiency. Equipped with advanced threshing mechanisms, these harvesters ensure efficient separation of grains from stalks and husks. This precision minimizes grain loss and maintains high-quality grain output, crucial for maximizing yield and profitability.
  • Adaptability to terrain. Whether navigating muddy rice fields or uneven wheat terrains, the machines’ crawler track designs enhance maneuverability while minimizing soil compaction. This adaptability improves operational efficiency and reduces the risk of getting stuck during harvest.
  • Increased productivity. By reducing harvesting time and labor costs while maintaining high output quality, these machines significantly boost overall farm productivity. Farmers can achieve more efficient crop cycles, enhancing their ability to meet market demands and optimize farm profitability.
الجمع بين آلة حصاد الأرز والقمح في المخزون
الجمع بين آلة حصاد الأرز والقمح في المخزون

The successful case of wheat harvester and thresher machine

To better understand these advantages, let’s look at a successful case study involving our wheat harvester and thresher machine.

We supplied the latest model of wheat harvester and thresher machine to a large farm in the Midwest United States, significantly enhancing their efficiency in wheat harvesting and threshing. This equipment efficiently handles large wheat fields and precisely separates grains from straw, reducing waste and losses substantially.

The farm management team provided positive feedback, noting how the machine streamlined complex operations, saved labor and time, and improved the quality of wheat grains. Moreover, it enabled the farm to market their products at higher prices, boosting their competitiveness and economic returns.

This successful case underscores the machine’s outstanding performance and supports the farm’s sustainable development and adoption of modern agricultural technology.

حصادة الأرز
حصادة الأرز

اتصل بنا!

When you choose our rice harvester and thresher machine, you’re not just opting for efficient harvesting and threshing solutions—you’re laying a solid foundation for future agricultural productivity.

Additionally, complement your operations with our آلة دراس الأرز والقمح و Grain threshing machine, ensuring comprehensive support for all your crop processing needs. Choose us for the professionalism and reliability you can count on.